Well I thought the problem was only caused by syncing but I was wrong.
I have run several tests now. Here is how I tested:
First I soft reset.
After startup I check a secure LIT book in MS Reader. It always opens with
no problem.
Next I close MS Reader.
I then make sure that MS Reader is closed and not in memory. I do this using
the Taskmanager application from HTC which is part of the Tilt phone (Ver
1.51 build 30744)... you click on the upper right corner of the screen and
you get the ability to Stop All running programs. You could also do this thru
Start...Settings... System Tab... Memory... Running Programs tab, Stop All
Then I run another program (see list below). Opening and Closing Contacts
for example.
Do the same as above to make sure the program is closed and not in memory.
Run MS Reader and check if error occurs.
If error, stop test. if not, repeat procedure.
I tested by running the following programs to see if an error occured in MS
Reader on the 2nd time thru. Here are the number of errors found out of how
many tries:
Opening and Closing:
Contacts 2 out of 3 times and Reader would not open book Not consistent
TeleNav GPS program on phone 3 out of 3 times Reader would not open book.
Calender 0 out 2 times
Internet Explorer 0 out of 1 times
Rerunning MS Reader again 0 out of 3 times
Called the Tilt phone 0 out of 1 times
Called from Tilt phone 0 out of 1 times
It is inconsistent except for the TelNav application which probably uses up
the most program space when running.... but note that Contacts also causes
the problem
I originally had the HTC Task Manager configured such that just clicking on
the X in Reader (or any program) would close the program and remove from
memory but I changed it such that this did not occur ... You have to manually
press the upper right corner at the Today Window to do a Stop All to close
any running programs.... my thought was maybe Reader was doing something that
wasn't getting finished before the Task Manager stopped it and removed it
from memory. This didn't make any difference.
Soft reseting always brings the ability for the protected books to be read.
Syncing again may be a problem just because its a large program running
which seems to kill Reader from openning a protected book after it has run. I
think I don't have file syncronization taking place... just syncing contacts,
calender, notes. I didn't find a file syncronization folder under My
Documents on my computer. I do have a Mobile Device folder... under My
Computer on the computer but it is empty until I sync the Tilt.
Any other thoughts?